This calligraphy is a sheet with, among others, the names of Allah, Muhammed sav., Khoulafaa Al-Rashidin and Ashaab- Al-Kahif. In the top frame it says Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim. In the center is a Hadith for prophet Mohammed ‘learn your children the names of the people of the cave’; ‘When the names are written on the door to a house, this will never burn’; ‘if written on an object, this will never be stolen, ‘or if the names are written on ship, this will never sink’. Around this center the names of the people of the cave are written: Yemliha, Mekselina, Mislina, Mernus, Debernus, Shazenush and Kefeshtatayyush.
It is signed Hafız İbrahim, see the last text line at the bottom.
The calligraphy was embellished at a later date, with the decorations on the outside (around the gold center). This is signed Ferine 18, in de blue line at the bottom on the right.
The calligraphy is 36 by 26 cm, and it is in good condition.
Product Code: 15670